Service Overview

Airborne gravity surveying has applications in geodesy, mining, and particularly oil and gas exploration. Gravity data are sensitive to areas where density contrasts occur. Density tends to increase with growing depth, but is also dependent on lithology.

Sub-surface folded structures, anticlines, synclines, salt domes, faulted structures, basins, and basement structures, important features in the accumulation of oil and gas, can be detected and mapped by gravity data.

As a result, airborne gravity surveys often precede and define the extent and location of future seismic programs. Gravity data can also serve to complement and link existing and sparsely spaced seismic data. Gravity surveys may be flown both onshore and offshore, and are commonly flown concurrently with aeromagnetics.

A multitude of airborne surveys

EON Geosciences also offers high quality data processing services which go beyond standard data compilation and levelling. We also provide advanced data-enhancement processing services.